Call for Research Article
Call for papers:
Submission open for January Edition.
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Types of Plagiarism
The following types of plagiarism are considered by GJEFR:
GJEFR respects intellectual property and aims at protecting and promoting original work of its authors. Manuscripts containing plagiarized material are against the standards of quality, research and innovation. Hence, all authors submitting articles to GJEFR are expected to abide ethical standards and abstain from plagiarism, in any form. In case, an author is found to be suspected of plagiarism in a submitted or published manuscript then, GJEFR shall contact the author (s) to submit his / her (their) explanation within two weeks, which may be forwarded to the Fact Finding Committee (FFC) constituted for the purpose, for further course of action. If GJEFR does not receive any response from the author within the stipulated time period, then the Director / Dean / Head of the concerned College, Institution or Organization or the Vice Chancellor of the University to which the author is affiliated shall be contacted to take strict action against the concerned author.
GJEFR shall take serious action against published manuscripts found to contain plagiarism and shall completely remove them from GJEFR website and other third party websites where the paper is listed and indexed. The moment, any article published in GJEFR database is reported to be plagiarized, GJEFR will constitute a Fact Finding Committee (FFC) to investigate the same. Upon having established that the manuscript is plagiarized from some previously published work, GJEFR shall support the original author and manuscript irrespective of the publisher and may take any or all of the following immediate actions or follow the additional course of actions as recommended by the committee:
Any other course of action, as recommended by the Committee or as deemed fit for the instant case or as decided by the Editorial Board, from time to time.
Call for papers:
Submission open for January Edition.
Submission id: