Analysis of the Theory of Al-Maqāṣid asy-Syarī'ah in Sustainable Economic Development


  • Lamlam Pahala Islamic Banking, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Siliwangi Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia



Sustainable Economic, Development, Al-Maqāṣid asy-Syarī'ah, Maslahah, Social Justice, Environmental Degradation


Sustainable economic development has emerged as a critical challenge in our increasingly globalised world, where environmental degradation and social inequities pose significant threats to future prosperity. The urgency of this issue is underscored by recent reports indicating that over 1 billion people still live in extreme poverty, while climate change continues to exacerbate existing vulnerabilities. In this context, the theory of Al-Maqāṣid asy-Syarī'ah provides a relevant framework for addressing these multifaceted challenges, as it focuses on the preservation of human welfare and the promotion of social justice. Central to this theory are the principles of maslahah, which advocate for actions that yield the greatest benefit for society, thereby aligning economic activities with ethical and moral values. This article seeks to analyse the application of Al-Maqāṣid asy-Syarī'ah in the realm of sustainable economic development, underscoring its potential to foster holistic community welfare. Employing a qualitative methodology, this study will delve into pertinent literature, elucidate the research methods employed, and present the findings that emerge from the analysis. It is anticipated that the insights gleaned from this research will illuminate the significance of integrating Islamic principles into sustainable economic practices, ultimately contributing to a more equitable and environmentally sound future. By recognising the interconnectedness of economic, social, and environmental factors, we can pave the way for a development model that is not only sustainable but also just and inclusive.


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How to Cite

Lamlam Pahala. (2024). Analysis of the Theory of Al-Maqāṣid asy-Syarī’ah in Sustainable Economic Development. Global Journal of Economic and Finance Research, 1(05), 58–62.