Mediating Effect of Appointments on Organisational Politics and Performance of Appointees into Positions of Responsibilities in Tertiary Institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Appointment, Organisational Politics, PerformanceAbstract
The study investigated how the appointments mediate the effect of organisational politics on performance of appointees into positions of responsibilities in Tertiary Institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The study population was 8206 staff of tertiary institutions in Ekit State, Nigeria. The sample for the study was derived from Taro model while used Isreal (2013) recommended that a comprehensive analysis include an additional 30% of the original sample size to account for missing values to amount to 495 respondents. The method of data analysis used was descriptive and sobel test. The result revealed that P-value is less than 0.05 (0.00000227). Therefore, the study concluded that the indirect effect between organizational politics and performance of appointee via appointment is statistically significant.
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