The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security in Selected African Countries


  • UKUDO, Alfred Bartholomew Institute of Nigeria-China Development Studies, University of Lagos
  • BOLARINWA, Fatima Ololade Department of Economics, University of Delaware
  • ARE-KILANSE Latifat Olasubomi Research and Policy Department, Urban Citi Construct



Climate Change, Food Security, Carbon Emission, Agriculture, SANE countries


The study investigated the impact of climate change on food security in SANE countries, using yearly time series data from 1990 to 2020. The study used descriptive analysis to summarize the behaviour of the variables, second generation panel unit root to test the stationarity of the variables, the panel co-integration test was carried out using the Westerlund test co-integration technique to test the long-run relationship among the variables and it was discovered that there is a long run relationship among the variables. As a result of this, an augmented mean group (AMG) was used to examine the long-run dynamics of variables. The results of the study revealed that climatic change, namely temperature, has a negative and significant impact on food security in SANE countries, indicating a vulnerability of agricultural production to changing climatic conditions. Thus, the study therefore recommended that countries in the SANE region should prioritize their policy towards adopting a climatic-resilient agricultural practice, and also encourage the use of diversification of agricultural systems such as integrating crops with varying temperature sensitivity and agroforestry practices.


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How to Cite

The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security in Selected African Countries. (2024). Global Journal of Economic and Finance Research, 1(05), 92-103.