Adjustment of Value Propositions as Company Performance Strategies in Maintaining Customers and Market Segments High-end and Anticipating New Competitors at PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas


  • R. Joko Purwanto Semarang University, Indonesia


Value Proposition11 Element, Value Proposition, Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010), Competitive Advantage, Risk Management Capability, Company Performance


Research was carried out to determine the strategy of PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas make adjustments to value propositions to maintain the high-end pawn business anticipating new competitors.

This study was conducted with a deductive qualitative method, case study (single), with the final result of a proposition of competitive advantage and risk management capabilities that support the performance of PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas.

This research discusses the adjustments made by PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas, which are carried out and carried out to maintain customers and high-end market segments and anticipate the emergence of new competitors in the same pawn business

The results of this study are expected to provide a theoretical model concept strategy that can be applied in running a pawn business, especially for the pawn business as run by PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas with customers and high-end market segments and as a strategic and anticipatory step in anticipating the emergence of new competitors in the same market segment.


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How to Cite

R. Joko Purwanto. (2024). Adjustment of Value Propositions as Company Performance Strategies in Maintaining Customers and Market Segments High-end and Anticipating New Competitors at PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas. Global Journal of Economic and Finance Research, 1(1), 33–38. Retrieved from