Analysis of the Influence of Macro Variables on Economic Growth in Indonesia


  • Heri Sasono STIE Dharma Bumiputera, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Pudjo Irianto STIE Dharma Bumiputera, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Paidi WS Universitas Tanri Abeng, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Syukri STIE Dharma Bumiputera, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Nurhanan STIE Dharma Bumiputera, Jakarta, Indonesia


Inflation, IHSG, JII, Gold Price, Dollar Exchange Rate, SBI and Economic Growth.


This research aims to analyze the influence of inflation, IHSG, JII, gold prices, dollar exchange rates and SBI on economic growth in Indonesia from 2008 to 2022. The method used is multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test, F test and t-test. processed using the SPSS Version 25 program.

The conclusion of this research is that partially the IHSG and JII have a significant effect on economic growth, while inflation, gold prices, dollar exchange rates and SBI do not have a significant effect on economic growth. Taken together, all macro variables have an insignificant effect on economic growth.


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How to Cite

Heri Sasono, Pudjo Irianto, Paidi WS, Ahmad Syukri, & Nurhanan. (2024). Analysis of the Influence of Macro Variables on Economic Growth in Indonesia. Global Journal of Economic and Finance Research, 1(2), 39–43. Retrieved from