Adoption of Digital Payments for Bajaj Drivers: A Classic Three-Wheeled Motorized Vehicles of Jakarta


  • Tifa Noer Amelia Management Department, Perbanas Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ayman Nazzal The College of Business and Economics, Palestine Technical University, Kadoorie, Tulkarm, Palestine



Payment System, Digital Transformation, Jakarta, Bajaj, Culture


Bajaj in Jakarta is more than just transportation. It is a cultural icon. Bajaj has unique design and sound have shaped Jakarta; the capital city of Indonesia identified as a cultural treasure for decades. Bajaj plays a vital role in social interaction and offers unique tourism opportunities. Preserving the Bajaj is crucial for cultural heritage, driver livelihoods, and potential environmentally friendly transportation options. However, implementing digital payments for Bajaj drivers in Jakarta faces challenges. Many drivers lack technological literacy and access to smartphones. Concerns about transaction fees, the complexity of digital systems, and the strong preference for cash hinder adoption. Overcoming these requirements comprehensive solutions, including driver training, affordable smartphone access, user-friendly systems, and addressing concerns about fees and security. This can be achieved by the collaboration of public and private sector support and the willingness of the drivers to change their tolerance to adapt with the advancement of technology. By doing so, Jakarta can modernize Bajaj transportation while preserving its cultural significance.


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How to Cite

Amelia, T. N., & Nazzal, A. (2025). Adoption of Digital Payments for Bajaj Drivers: A Classic Three-Wheeled Motorized Vehicles of Jakarta. Global Journal of Economic and Finance Research, 2(1), 67–75.