The Role of Proactive Marketing in Achieving Strategic Foresight: An Applied Study in the Iraqi Ministry of Communications


  • Saja Hussein Ahmed Assistant Lecturer, University of Baghdad / College of Islamic Sciences
  • Dr. Reyam Qasim Mohammed Lecturer, University of Baghdad / College of Islamic Sciences



Proactive marketing, strategic foresight, marketing innovation, future environment analysis, strategic decisions


The current research aims to determine the extent of interest of the Ministry of Communications Iraqi) and its various sections in the proactive marketing process, and The extent of interest that directly reflects on the achievement of insight strategic, and thus it crystallized Research Problem Current from the launch of philosophical and intellectual theories to variables Search. To achieve the objectives of this research, two main hypotheses were formulated. The research relied on an applied approach. The research targeted the upper and middle managements in the ministry. (85) questionnaires were distributed to the research sample and (73) of them were retrieved. The current research concluded that there is a direct relationship and a positive impact of proactive marketing on strategic foresight. The most important of these hypotheses are: and The most prominent of which were: Regularly and periodically evaluate strategic performance using advanced tools to ensure that strategic objectives are achieved and that proactive marketing contributes effectively to strategic foresight.


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How to Cite

The Role of Proactive Marketing in Achieving Strategic Foresight: An Applied Study in the Iraqi Ministry of Communications. (2025). Global Journal of Economic and Finance Research, 2(02), 114-125.

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